Mum’s Circle on Sunday

Relax, Connect, Nourish Yourselves at our local

MUM’S CIRCLE ~ Feeling Lighter


At Our Yurt in Modanville
(a few minutes drive from the Channon Market)
Please contact me for address and booking in: Laura 0415 533 311

Come and have some mumma time, connect and relax in a peaceful, non-judgemental space with like-minded mummas. (if possible make it child-free ~ babies are welcome). We’ll do some yoga & meditation. Give yourself a chance to fill up your cup. Share how you are doing at the moment (whether it be about your little one or anything else in your life), learn tips + resources from the Aware Parenting perspective (based on Aletha Solter’s work from The Aware Baby and other books). Laura is a mother of 2, a yoga instructor, certified mediator & facilitator and in-training as an Aware Parenting instructor. She offers classes, workshops & consultations.

For more info visit my website or call me. Laura 0415 533 311
COST: $10
